Our Launch Exhibition
We formally launched THE SLOW CAMERA EXCHANGE in Hollyhill Library on the 8th September 2022.
The exhibition was made up of a unique series of mini-exhibitions. The Shared Memories exhibit featured portraits created with residents from the Westgate Centre.
Images from members of the FProject were displayed. The groups used equipment from the collection of over seventy analogue cameras collected and used by artist Hermann Marbe during his lifetime to create the exhibition.
Completing the exhibition series was a collection of polaroid images taken by Hermann Marbe and his family.
Together with Cork Film Centre, Cork City Library Service and funding support from the Creative Ireland Programme, the launch celebrated the beginning of the journey to establish Ireland's first camera loan scheme via a pilot initiative at Hollyhill Library.
The initiative will facilitate access to a selection of analogue, user-friendly cameras and kits from the collection for a cohort of older people and intergenerational groups.
Sincerest thanks to all the staff at Cork City Libraries, namely Elizabeth McNamara at Hollyhill Library for hosting us, Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr. Damian Boylan and Cork City Arts Office for their support at this event.